Drone shot by Collins Reagan, www.collinsreagan.com
Get updates from the Hawkwatch team at Kiptopeke State Park and College Creek in the blogs below. See the live and accumulated seasonal count in the interactive Dunkadoo report at the bottom of the page.
In the opening aerial scene of this video, you can view the migratory route taken by 19 recorded species of raptors over the bottleneck of land that funnels the birds toward the Hawkwatch platform. There, CVWO biologists record information that is shared internationally with science data bases like HawkCount.org.
CVWO conducts hawkwatches at Kiptopeke State Park on Virginia's Eastern Shore in the fall and at College Creek near Williamsburg during late winter and spring.
Since 1995, CVWO has conducted raptor research during fall migration at Kiptopeke State Park located on Virginia's Eastern Shore. Over this time, raptor populations have declined due to habitat loss, pesticides, and other factors. CVWO's research contributes to international databases, scientific insight and the preservation of these magnificent birds of prey.
In the opening aerial scene of the video above, you can view the migratory route taken by 14 recorded species of raptors over the bottleneck of land that funnels the birds toward the Hawkwatch platform. There, CVWO biologists record information that is shared internationally with science databases like Hawkcount.org.
A multi-authored scientific paper on the state of the world’s birds of prey and owls was published in September 2018 in Biological Conservation. According to the research, 18% percent of raptors are threatened with extinction and 52% of raptors species have declining global populations. Scroll down to see this season's Hawkwatch data as it was recorded onto the new Dunkadoo technology from the platform at Kiptopeke.
The Kiptopeke fall Hawkwatch was established by volunteers in 1977, and has recorded nearly 1,000,000 hawks and vultures of 19 species. Experienced Hawkwatchers are hired each year to conduct the Hawkwatch, from September 1- November 30, assisted by a corps of dedicated volunteers. Visitors are always welcome. Hawkwatches are an excellent way to monitor population trends and promote conservation. A majority of hawk species in North America are showing declining numbers. It is one of the best places in the world to see migrating Merlins and Peregrines, with daily records of 462 and 364, respectively. To see Kiptopeke hawkwatch date, click this link: www.hawkcount.org.
The annual College Creek Spring Hawkwatch, on the shore of the James River near Williamsburg, was established in 1997 and records an average of nearly 2,000 hawks and vultures each year. To see hawkwatch data, click this link: www.Hawkcount.org
Visitors are always welcome at Kiptopeke State Park to help us find birds and to learn about the amazing hawk migration. The hawkwatch operates daily, weather permitting, from September 1 through November.
Read about Hawkwatch in our newsroom here and our blog here.
This video is by the Eastern Shore Tourism Commission and shared here with their permission. This is a CVWO project. Steve Dougill, the CVWO biologist, teaches the visitors about raptors in the video. Take a look!
Veteran hawk researcher, conservationist and supporter, Reese Lukei, generously donated some of his many wonderful slides to CVWO, illustrating his research in Virginia over many decades. We have selected some of these magnificent birds to present here.
The six Peregrine slides show some of the wide variation that was involved thanks to the efforts, beginning in the 1970s, of the Eastern Peregrine Falcon Recovery Team following devastating pesticide issues. Captive-bred birds from several different subspecies were used to aid re-introduction and conservation efforts. Organizations involved included the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Cornell University, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, the College of William and Mary and the Center for Conservation Biology at William & Mary. CVWO also documented Peregrine migrant types as they passed the Kiptopeke Hawkwatch during late summer and fall. Three sub-species were used in particular from the western hemisphere, “Peale’s,” anatum and tundrius. Differing features include the size of the malar stripes, darkness of the hood and overall coloration, which also vary by age and sex. A wide variety of types was produced to give the species the best chance of survival. Other raptors shown, in addition to hawks, are Great Horned Owl, Barn Owl, Eastern Screech-Owl and Northern Saw-whet Owl,
Thanks Reese for all you do for raptors!
How to Read The Analysis from the Hawk Migration Association
To read the table at the top portion of the page, a green to red gradient allows for a
quick view of the highest count year (dark green) to the lowest (dark red). At the bottom of
the table, there are summary statistics that show the average values for each species over
the years. This is followed by how this year compares to an average year.
The pie charts located below the table shows the composition of the most common
hawks at your site for both the Fall of 2019 and then for the twenty-year average. All of the
scatter plots following the pie charts have five fine dashed lines. The middle-dashed line
shows the mean or average value. The dashed line above and below the mean line
represents one standard deviation, while the outside dashed lines represent an additional
standard deviation. One standard deviation represents 68% of the data in a normally
distributed system, while two standard deviations represents 95%.
The R2 value is the correlation coefficient and marks the goodness of fit for a linear
function. An R2 value of 1.0000 indicates a perfect fit of your data to a line, whereas an R2
value of 0.0000 shows that the data points are seemingly random and have no linear fit.
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